Acne Scars

Acne scars often develop from old inflammatory acne, from acne that was not treated, or from patients who pick their acne bumps.
These scars can have a major impact on self-confidence and contribute to feelings of depression and anxiety.
Dr. Isabela Jones completed a prestigious cosmetic and laser dermatology fellowship and has many years of experience in treating acne scars.
What are different types of acne scars?
Acne scarring can present as:
Dyspigmentation: brown or red spots in places of old acne
Ice pick scars
Rolling scars
Box scars
Hypertrophic scars: thick raised areas
How can acne scars be treated?
Acne scars can be treated once any *active* acne has subsided. Performing certain treatments while actively breaking out can lead to more acne. It is also important to seek acne scarring treatment early; the longer one waits, the more difficult they are to treat. During your cosmetic consultation, Dr. Jones will analyze your type of scarring and develop a personalized plan. Unfortunately, there is no single procedure that gets rid of acne scars. Multiple types of treatment may be needed. Thus, we will prioritize the most important ones first. Therapies include:
Topical creams to stimulate collagen or decrease hyperpigmentation
Laser therapy (Fraxel)
Dermal Fillers
Chemical peels and TCA CROSS
Intralesional cortisone for raised scars
Scar excision