Wart Removal

Warts, or verrucae, are one of the most common issues that dermatologists see.
Warts can be difficult to treat, since the virus lives at the very base of the skin and replicates quickly.
In addition, thick or numerous warts may take longer to clear.
How can warts be treated?
At Virginia Square Dermatology, we offer various ways to treat warts. We may also recommend combining multiple approaches for the fastest results. Treatments include:
Liquid nitrogen: this consists of freezing the wart. Liquid nitrogen by itself may require multiple treatments spaced 2-4 weeks apart for complete clearance.
Topical salicylic acid solutions, either OTC options like Compound W, or combined with 5-fluorouracil in a prescription strength form.
Shave removal: this involves cutting the wart off, but can result in scarring.
Intralesional candida antigen: injecting heat killed candida albicans in order to stimulate the immune system.
Topical retinoids or imiquimod
Oral cimetidine and zinc