Brown Spots

Many patients experience the development of brown spots (hyperpigmentation) on sun-exposed areas of skin with time, which can make the skin appear older.
These spots are most common on the face, and can vary in size and location. Not all brown spots are the same.
Dr. Isabela Jones has extensive experience in treating brown spots, and has specialized fellowship training in their treatment.
Your journey to an even complexion will start with a consultation to determine the type of brown spots you have and how they can be treated.
What causes brown spots?
Brown spots on the skin are primarily caused by long-term sun exposure. Even low-grade, chronic sun exposure can lead to their development (think of driving your car to work each day). Another main contributor of dark spots on the skin is genetic predisposition. Hormones during pregnancy can also lead to the formation of dark spots.
What are different types of dark spots?
Solar lentigo: smaller, rounder, well demarcated patches
Seborrheic keratosis: flat or raised dark spots with some shine or texture
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation: brown patches as a result of prior trauma, acne, or a rash
Dermatosis papulosa nigra: small, raised, dark bumps
Melasma: larger, flat patches of darkness, sometimes with subtle redness
How can dark spots be treated?
First, Dr. Jones will make sure that your dark spots appear benign. Based on the types of dark spots you have and your natural skin color, she will develop a personalized treatment plan for you. Treatments include:
Topical lightening creams, retinols, azelaic acid, glycolic acid
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)
Chemical peels