Thin Lips


Lip shape and size is influenced by genetics, ethnicity, age, and even dentition.

Some individuals are born with lips that are too thin or too small compared to the rest of their features.

Others may be happy with their lips, but find that the lips become smaller, dryer, and more wrinkled with time.

At Virginia Square Dermatology, we have numerous options to help rejuvenate or enhance your lip and perioral area.


How can thin lips be improved?

Most of the time, we use dermal fillers directly injected into the body of the lip. We may also use dermal fillers to the corners of the mouth, piriform fossa, chin, and surrounding tissues to harmonize the appearance of the lower face. Neurotoxins like Botox can also be employed to evert the lip and soften perioral lines. Dr. Jones will also assess your dentition and smile.

Dr. Isabela Jones is known for her natural outcomes. She believes in respecting anatomy and prioritizing the long-term appearance of this area over short term goals. Some methods of injection, like the popular “Russian doll” lips, not only can look unnatural, but can also lead to the migration of filler product over time.  This causes a puffy and heavy appearance of the skin above the lips. 

Dr. Isabela Jones is a board-certified dermatologist with fellowship training in cosmetic and laser dermatology. She has years of experience in treating thin lips and is an expert in natural-looking and safe lip augmentation. Contact our office to schedule a consultation with her.