

Subcision is used in aesthetic dermatology to treat bound-down acne and surgical scars.

It involves  the application of a needle underneath the skin to help break down scar tissue.


How is subcision performed? 

During subcision, your doctor will insert a hypodermic needle into the skin. The sharp edge of the needle is then used to release fibrotic tissue that tethers scars to the underlying fat and muscle layers. Multiple treatment sessions are often required, and the number of sessions will depend on the type of scarring and individual’s ability to produce collagen. 

What is subcision used for?

In our practice, we most commonly used subcision for depressed (but not ice-pick) acne scars. It may also be used for other types of traumatic or surgical scars. 

Dr. Isabela Jones is a board-certified dermatologist with fellowship training in cosmetic dermatology. Contact our office to schedule a consultation with her.